How do I check the status of my order?

To review the status of an order, you can navigate to the ORDERS tab on the dashboard. You will see all existing orders listed in chronological order. Each order will have one of the following labels:

Scheduled: All gifts in an order are ready and will be distributed at 7am ET on the date selected during purchase.

In Progress: According to the schedule selected for each gift in the order, some have already been sent out and others are waiting to be sent on the selected date.

Completed: All gifts in an order have been distributed and/or all PDFs requested have been rendered and delivered to the purchaser's inbox.

Cancelled: All gifts in an order have been cancelled.

Needs Attention: One or more gifts have an issue that requires your attention.

Pending Approval: This order has not yet processed and is pending the approval of your corporate account.

Pending Funds: This order has been submitted but not delivered. As soon as the funds are received, the order will be sent immediately or on the scheduled date.

Voided: This order was submitted and was waiting on payment, but was voided before payment was received.

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