Easily Send Corporate Gifts & Rewards

Send thoughtful gifts, rewards, or incentives to one person, a few people, or thousands with ease.

The Most Thoughtful Way for Companies to Send Gifts

Explore how easy it is to send fully branded and personal gifts this year.


The easiest way to send rewards, payouts, and incentives

Giftly is the perfect tool to use when you need to send a one-time gift, an impromptu thank you, a deal incentive, a quarterly bonus, a recurring referral payment, a well-timed surprise gift, an always-on referral bonus, and any other situation you can imagine.

Don't spend time thinking how to gift, when you can use Giftly to deliver the perfect gift, every time.

1,000s of happy customers


Redemption options they actually want

Delight recipients by letting them choose when, where, and how to use the gift you send. Recipients can redeem to a physical or virtual prepaid card, ACH transfer, or PayPal deposit. And, with PayPal and Virtual Gift Card redemptions, recipients can redeem from over 200 countries around the world!



Simply input your bank details and we will deposit your gift directly into your bank account.


Have your funds transferred directly to your PayPal account in nearly any country in the world.

Physical card

Redeem your gift to a physical Gift Card and have it shipped directly to your door, to be used anywhere you like.

Virtual card

Virtual Gift Cards can be redeemed and used online around the world.
Flexible gifting to gift what they really want
give them what they really want

The Easy, Flexible & Always Thoughtful Solution

With Giftly, you don't have to know everyones favorite restaurant or how they take their coffee. They can choose when and where they want to use their Giftly. No more drawers filled with unused gift cards. The impact of what you send is far more powerful when the people receiving if feel appreciated and are excited to use it.

Effortless management

Easy to send to one or thousands at once

The Giftly platform has been designed to make it easy to send a gift or reward, whether you're sending it to one person or thousands of people at once. Giftly grows with you and gives you the tools you need to gift a little or a lot.

With robust data management, downloadable reports, spend tracking, and team support, Giftly puts you in control and makes light work of corporate gifting programs.


A personal experience, crafted by you, powered by Giftly.

Design a gift or reward for an employee, partner or customer that puts your brand front and center. Select from a range of custom greeting card designs or choose to upload your own to give that added personal touch that meets your brand guidelines.

We’ll work in the background to fulfill and deliver gifts for you. We do the work, you get all the credit—it’s that simple.

Giftly is more than a gift card, it's an experience.

We make being thoughtful easy. If you want to learn how we can help you...

Our clients say it best

Hear from a few of the millions of happy Giftly purchasers
"Easy to use and gives associates option to use the gift as they wish instead of it being tied to a specific business."
"Great customer experience. I "lost" my card in my phone wallet and sent an email asking for assistance. They responded in an hour and reissued the card."
"Easy to purchase and send, we like that there’s an option to have multiple users from our org that can access the information"
Community Center of Education Results
"I like my [Account Rep]! When spending large amounts of money, it is important to have a person who can double-check or assist in the purchase process.
"I was able to make quick adjustments from email to text delivery without any problems! Delivery was smooth and the ordering process was fast. Thank you!."
"We chose it because it is an effective option for our global team. It allows them to choose how they are spending their incentive or stipend in their local currency. It works globally which is huge for our team."
"Nice gift card and thank you card offerings, flawless on time delivery.
"This was an important purchase so I was relieved when it went off smoothly and on time. It allowed me to give a gift card that would have taken hours to get in person."
"We love the ease of using Giftly to support our team! It is easy for both parties to use and offers flexibility for the person receiving the gift to choose how they use it. Great service!"

The Best Solution for Corporate Gifts, Incentives, and Rewards

Most businesses struggle with gifts that miss the mark. Generic swag collects dust. Restricted gift cards limit choices. The result? Wasted budgets and missed opportunities to truly connect. Corporate gifting works best when it is flexible and personalized.

With the right approach, your corporate gifts become more than rote tokens. They lift team morale, strengthen client relationships, and entice prospects to continue the conversation. This is the reality of a smart corporate gifting strategy.

What are ‘Corporate Gifts’?

Corporate gifts are strategic investments that businesses make to nurture relationships with employees, clients, and partners. These investments are designed to boost employee productivity, enhance client retention, and increase sales. When used effectively, corporate gifts become a competitive advantage, fostering a culture of appreciation and driving tangible business outcomes.

Why are Corporate Gifts important for Businesses?

The right corporate gift can transform a transaction into a relationship, here’s how these strategic gestures can elevate your business.

Strengthen relationships

Corporate gifts are powerful tools for building and enhancing business connections.

Giftly's flexible platform allows for personalized gifting at scale, ensuring each recipient feels valued. Whether it's a long-time client or a potential lead, the right gift can turn a simple transaction into a lasting relationship.

For example, you can use corporate gifts to foster loyalty and repeat business with existing clients or stand out from competitors and increase your odds of landing a meeting with a prospect.

Motivate employees

Employee engagement and productivity are critical to your company’s success. Corporate gifts offer a couple different ways to boost morale and motivation.

Corporate Rewards

Corporate rewards are a way to recognize and appreciate employees for their hard work, achievements, or milestones. They're a crucial part of creating a positive work culture where people feel valued.

Giftly excels as a corporate reward solution. It's versatile enough to fit any occasion:

  • Celebrating work anniversaries
  • Recognizing outstanding performance
  • Rewarding project completions
  • Offering holiday bonuses

Often, companies minimize these important moments with something trite like a branded mug or generic gift card. With Giftly, you're giving your team members the power to choose a reward that's meaningful to them. 

Maybe Sarah in accounting wants to try that new sushi place, while Mike in sales would rather put his reward toward supplies for his woodworking hobby. A Giftly Card lets them both feel equally appreciated.

Plus, Giftly's platform makes it easy to manage rewards at scale. Whether you're sending out annual bonuses to the whole company or spot-rewarding individuals for great ideas, you can do it all from one intuitive dashboard.

Corporate Incentives

Corporate incentives are programs designed to motivate specific behaviors or achievements. They're the carrot that encourages your team to go the extra mile.

Giftly shines as an incentive tool because it's so flexible. You can use it to:

  • Boost sales performance
  • Encourage referrals
  • Promote wellness program participation
  • Drive innovation and idea generation

The key is that Giftly incentives feel valuable to everyone. A set catalog of rewards might excite some team members but fall flat for others. With Giftly, each person can choose an incentive that motivates them personally.

For example, you could set up a sales contest where the top performers each month get a Giftly card. One rep might use it for a nice dinner with their family, another for concert tickets, and a third toward a new gadget. Each person gets exactly what will motivate them most.

Add your message
They’re great marketing/PR tools

Corporate gifts aren't just internal tools. They're powerful for external relationship-building too.

Sending a thoughtful gift to a prospect can open doors that might otherwise stay closed. A 2018 study found sales reps generate twice as much revenue when they deliver small gifts during early conversations with a prospect. That's a significant boost to your outreach efforts.

The right gift can create lasting positive associations with your brand. When a client or partner receives a Giftly card from you, they're reminded of your company when they use it. And because they get to choose how to spend it, that association is tied to something they genuinely enjoy.

This positive PR extends to your local community too. Because Giftly cards can be used anywhere, recipients often choose to support local businesses. This indirectly positions your company as one that cares about local economies and communities.

How to Choose the Ideal Corporate Gifts?

The best corporate gifts strike a balance between thoughtfulness and practicality—a sweet spot where Giftly thrives.

Choose a gift that’s easy to send

The time you save on logistics can be reinvested in personalizing your message or strategizing your gifting program for maximum impact.

  • Digital delivery: No need to collect physical addresses or worry about shipping delays. Giftly cards are delivered instantly via email or text.
  • Bulk sending: Need to reward your entire sales team or send holiday gifts to all your clients? Giftly's platform makes it easy to send multiple gifts at once.
  • Scheduling: Plan ahead by scheduling gifts for future dates. Perfect for automating birthday gifts or timing rewards to coincide with project completions.
Choose a flexible gift: recipients can choose what they want

One-size-fits-all gifts often miss the mark. What delights one person might disappoint another. Giftly solves this problem by putting the choice in the recipient's hands.

With a Giftly card, your gift recipients can:

  • Shop at their favorite stores
  • Dine at local restaurants
  • Book experiences they've always wanted to try
  • Contribute to causes they care about

This flexibility ensures your gift will be appreciated, no matter the recipient's personal tastes or circumstances. It's like giving the thoughtfulness of a personalized gift with the versatility of cash.

Our research backs this up: INSERT DATA FROM GIFTLY SURVEY HERE. By choosing Giftly, you're giving a gift that the vast majority of recipients will genuinely appreciate.

Choose a gift that can be redeemed around the world

Global flexibility is particularly valuable for companies with international teams or clients. It ensures everyone feels equally valued, regardless of their location.

  • Multiple redemption options: Recipients can choose to receive their gift via ACH transfer, PayPal, physical Visa gift card, or virtual Mastercard.

  • Global compatibility: Whether your client is in New York or New Delhi, they can easily access and use their Giftly card.

  • Currency conversion: No need to worry about exchange rates. Giftly handles the details, ensuring a smooth experience for international recipients.
The Giftly Advantage Is Personalization at Scale

Giftly combines the personal touch of a thoughtful gift with the flexibility of cash, all wrapped up in an easy-to-use platform that scales effortlessly.

With Giftly, you can:

  • Strengthen business relationships by showing genuine appreciation
  • Motivate your team with rewards and incentives they'll actually want
  • Create positive PR and open new doors
  • Save time and hassle on gift logistics
  • Ensure your gifts are appreciated, no matter the recipient's location or preferences

Generic swag and restrictive gift cards fall short. Giftly offers a fresh approach that resonates with recipients. With Giftly Cards, you make a statement that you value the individual's unique tastes and preferences.

Ready to transform your corporate incentives strategy? Talk with Giftly today to learn how our platform can help you build stronger, more meaningful business relationships through the power of personalized corporate rewards.

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Learn how others make Gifting easy.