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How It Works
Email, text, print, mail icons
Send up to $1,000. Delivered via a customized greeting card by email, text¹, mail, or printout.
credit, debit, prepaid, paypal icons
The recipient chooses the most convenient way to receive the gift: as a Visa gift card in the mail or as a credit to their bank account or PayPal account.
credit, debit, prepaid, paypal icons
You suggested something you think they'd like, they share with you how they spent the money.
They always get what they want!
¹ Standard data rates, fees, and charges may apply to send by text.

Buy a Gift in Miami

Gift up to $1,000 with the suggestion to spend it at any business in Miami, FL. Delivered in a customized greeting card by email, mail, or printout.
Search or browse businesses in Miami, or change locations

Send a Gift to use in Miami, FL

Miami, Florida is a fun place to go on vacation, especially during the summer. Maybe you have a friend or family member who is traveling to Miami or lives there and you want to send them a gift. A Miami Giftly - which can be used like a Miami gift card - is a wonderful present for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, or any other event. While you can suggest for them to use the Giftly at a certain place - such as at a coffee shop, hair salon, or restaurant - they can choose to use it anywhere they want, whenever it is convenient for them. Miami is always sure to be a fun time, whether your recipient enjoys spending the day at the beach, going out to dinner, taking a tour of the city, grabbing drinks with friends, going to a sports game, attending an art show, visiting a museum, going shopping, or enjoying a night out. Like a Miami gift card, a Miami Giftly is a great present for a recipient who enjoys getting out of the house during the week after work or on the weekends. Miami has plenty of exciting opportunities for those who love nature, sports, dining, and shopping, among other fun activities. Start sending personalized gifts today!

Descriptions, images, reviews and other business information on this page have not been verified by Giftly or Sunrise Bank.

The Giftly Advantage

With Giftly you strike a perfect balance, the thoughtfulness of a gift card with the flexibility of money.

  • Easy to buy online. Have it delivered now or later

  • Send it with a personalized greeting card

  • 3 easy ways for your recipient to redeem the gift

See Sample Gift
  • 100% Satisfaction Gauranteed

  • No wasted balance

  • Easy to customize


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Yes. You can purchase a Miami Giftly, which works like a Miami gift card, online at in any amount up to $1,000 and send it to your recipient via email, text, or print. Your recipient can then redeem the Giftly as a Visa gift card in the mail, as a credit to their bank account, or as a credit to their PayPal account and use it for any online or in-person purchases they make in Miami.

Giftly has thousands of gift options for the most popular places in Miami, including:

Yes. Giftly has thousands of gift options for different restaurants, museums, sports games, and other places in Miami. If you know someone who is traveling to Miami, you can give them a universal Miami gift card that's good for anything they would like to do. Browse through the different Miami Giftly options we offer that are sure to make your recipient smile!

You can purchase a Miami Giftly through an easy online process at and send it to your recipient via email, text, or print. The great thing is that a Giftly never expires, so they can use it whenever it is most convenient for them. If you've been looking for gift ideas for family members and friends who live in Miami but don't know what they'd like best or what's popular, a Miami Giftly is a great present.

You can purchase a Giftly for Miami online at in any amount up to $1,000 and send it to your recipient via email, text, or print. Your recipient can redeem the Giftly as a Visa gift card in the mail, as a credit to their bank account, or as a credit to their PayPal account. Then they can use it like a universal Miami gift card, whether they're traveling to Miami or living there.

Not Sure What to Pick? Consider a Universal Giftly
Browse and shop universal gift cards for any occasion in any amount between $5-1,000 and share it via mail, text or email.

Discover Birthday Gifts


If you have questions, need help, or want to modify, resend, or cancel a gift, please see our Support Center, where you can access an array of self-service tools and our FAQ.

For other questions or issues, please contact

Gift Disclosure

The Giftly Prepaid Gift is redeemed for money through the Giftly website. It is not issued, endorsed, or accepted by any third-party merchant (including any third-party merchant explicitly referenced in this Giftly Prepaid Gift), and is not covered by the CARD Act. Giftly Prepaid Gifts never expire and there are no inactivity fees. Please see the Giftly Prepaid Gift Agreement for the complete terms.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you or the recipient are not completely satisfied, we'll refund the full value of your gift within 90 days of purchase, as long as it hasn't been redeemed (minus shipping and handling costs for gifts that are sent by mail).