September Holidays

Explore September 2024's unique holidays and creative ways to celebrate them at work!

Tom Dixon
Explore September 2024's unique holidays and creative ways to celebrate them at work!

Labor Day

Monday, Sept. 2, 2024

The History: This uniquely American holiday grew from a New York City parade held by the Central Labor Union. As many as 10,000 union members and their families marched the streets through Union Square holding aloft banners, bedecked in their uniforms and holding aloft the tools of their trades.

The spectacle concluded with a picnic in Wendel's Elm Park.

How to Celebrate: Give your employees a break with gift cards for a relaxing experience, like a spa day or local outdoor activity.

National Chianti Day

Friday, Sept. 6, 2024

The History: Established by fine wine importer Santa Margherita to celebrate the Chianti Classico Riserva varietal, a traditional symbol of the Tuscany region in Italy.

This wine variety comes from a single vineyard called Salcentino.

How To Celebrate: Treat your employees to an Italian-themed evening by offering gift cards to a local Italian restaurant or wine shop. Whether you offer to serve that Chianti with a side of farva beans is up to you!

National Food Bank Day

Friday, Sept. 6, 2024

The History: John van Hengel started St. Mary's Food Bank, the first of its kind, in downtown Phoenix nearly 60 years ago after meeting a young mother who said she depended on his church's soup kitchen.

National Food Bank Day honors the humble beginnings of an organization that today distributes 102 million pounds of food every year to families in need.

How To Celebrate: Encourage charitable giving by matching employee donations to food banks or provide gift cards to local grocery stores for a food drive.

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024

The History: It began as a wee bit o’ jest ‘tween two Oregon shipmates — John Baur an’ Mark Summers — whilst playin’ a summer racquetball match in 1995. Matters took a wild turn swift-like when they penned a letter to the jester Dave Barry ‘bout their cheeky holiday.

In the days since they cast their idea like a bottle upon the seas, companies large and small have gotten in on the merriment. Google and Facebook have both tipped their tricorn hats to the holiday, sportin’ pirate themes an’ “pirate speak translators” on their websites!

How To Celebrate: Ye could encourage all hands on deck to don their finest pirate attire. The best dressed pirate gets a chest o’ treasures (or perhaps a gift card to the local tavern). Or, hide some doubloons and lay out a treasure map of the office and send yer landlubber coworkers on a hunt!

American Business Women’s Day

Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024

The History: The American Business Women's Association sponsored this day back in 1982 to advocate for female entrepreneurship and celebrate the successes of women leadership in business.

Women-owned businesses represent 43 percent of all U.S. companies today, despite lower rates of funding than their male counterparts.

How To Celebrate: Inspire female employees with gift cards to women-led businesses or workshops aimed at professional development.

National Compliance Officer Day

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024

The History: The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics started this holiday to honor the compliance officers charged with making sure companies meet ethical business standards in their day-to-day operations.

How To Celebrate:
Recognize your compliance team with gift cards to their favorite local shops or a nice meal.

National Coffee Day

Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024

The History: The Southern Food and Beverage Museum launched National Coffee Day to celebrate the first New Orleans Coffee Festival in 2009.

Two in three Americans drink coffee every day, according to the National Coffee Association, so odds are, you’re one of the people who will celebrate with a cup of joe.

How To Celebrate: Gift your employees cards to their favorite local coffee shops. It's a simple gesture to help jumpstart their mornings.

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