The Best Gifts For Customer Appreciation Day 2024 (And Beyond)

Learn the secrets to boosting customer loyalty and enhancing your brand's reputation through effective Customer Appreciation Day strategies.

Tom Dixon
Learn the secrets to boosting customer loyalty and enhancing your brand's reputation through effective Customer Appreciation Day strategies.

Without customers, you don't have a business. You have a hobby.

Customers are the lifeblood of your business, so it pays to show your appreciation for their loyalty often. And when we say it pays, we mean it literally. After all, 41 percent of revenue comes from 8 percent of a business' hardcore, loyal customers, according to a Smile.io report.

Customer Appreciation Day is the perfect day to really take to heart the importance of your customers to your business. Not sure how to capture your customers' attention and thank them sincerely? Don't worry, we've got you covered.

What Is Customer Appreciation Day?

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Customer Appreciation Day may not be an official holiday, but that doesn't mean smart businesses don't make it feel like it is! Many companies use Customer Appreciation Day to offer promotions, client gifts, hold events, or give customers sneak peeks at new products as a great way to thank them for their continued support.

You need to make customers feel appreciated and valued. When you make customers feel good, you foster customer loyalty, improve customer satisfaction, and encourage repeat business.

By acknowledging the importance of their customers in a tangible way, businesses can build stronger, more personal connections that contribute to long-term success and growth.

Why Customer Appreciation Is Important

Photo by Joshua Rodriguez on Unsplash

Customer appreciation is not just a courteous gesture—it's a powerful strategy with tangible benefits for any business. Here are just a few ways showing your customers appreciation will directly grow your bottom line:

Improved Customer Retention

When customers feel appreciated, they're more likely to stay loyal to your brand, even in the face of competition. Loyal customers often translate to repeat business, which is more cost-effective than acquiring new customers.

Customer acquisition costs have more than tripled to $29 per customer in the last decade, according to a Simplicity DX report. That same report found a 36 percent increase in the value of a repeat sale between 2013 and 2022.

Investing in customer appreciation is an investment in the future of your business. It fosters positive, strong relationships between you and your customers, driving growth, loyalty, and satisfaction. Utilizing customer satisfaction tools such as surveys, feedback forms, and reviews further enhances this relationship by actively gathering insights on their experience. Appreciation makes customers feel valued, reducing the likelihood of switching to a competitor.

Enhanced Brand Reputation

A 2024 Super Office survey found customers will pay 13 percent more for a brand they trust to provide a good customer experience.

Showing appreciation helps build a positive brand image. Satisfied customers are more likely to be advocates for your brand. This word-of-mouth marketing can be a significant source of new business, as recommendations from friends or family members carry much weight.

A longitudinal study of 10,000 customers by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business found referred customers were 25 percent more profitable than their peers. Those referred accounts also had an 18 percent lower churn rate. So, they spent more and stayed longer.

Higher Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Customers who feel appreciated are more likely to make more purchases over time, increasing their lifetime value to your business. A higher CLV means more revenue generated per customer.

Smile.io found customers who have made two purchases with your company are 49 percent more likely to make a third. And if they make a third purchase, they are 62 percent more likely to purchase again. Compare that to conversion rates in the low single digits on new clients for most industries, and you can see how keeping your best customers coming back is like rolling a snowball downhill. Once it gets started, it can lead to an avalanche of profit!

That same study found the average order value for people who have been happy customers for six months is 30 percent higher than for first-time buyers. After three years, that disparity grows to 45 percent.

Competitive Advantage

Going the extra mile to show genuine appreciation in a crowded marketplace can set your business apart from competitors. It can be a key differentiator that attracts and retains customers. Eighty-five percent of customers go out of their way to purchase from a company that treats them better, a 2024 Shep Hyken study found.

Customer appreciation helps build an emotional connection between your brand and your customers. This emotional bond can be a strong driver of loyalty and advocacy. Promotions and special offers designed as a token of appreciation can increase sales. Customers are likelier to take advantage of a special offer if it comes as a thank-you gesture.

Positive Work Environment

A culture of appreciation can spill over into employee satisfaction. When employees are happy, you end up with a better work culture. A SurveyMonkey study of 1,000-plus employees found that when workers empathize with customers, agree customer satisfaction is important to their organization, and see a direct connection between their jobs and that satisfaction, three in four of them reported finding their jobs more meaningful.

Employees are happier when they find meaning in their jobs. Happy workers are more likely to provide better customer service, creating a virtuous cycle of positivity that benefits everyone involved.

Six Customer Appreciation Ideas

Photo by Jorge Percival on Unsplash

So, what can you give your customers that is meaningful, makes their day brighter, and keeps them thinking about you the next time they purchase? We've got some great ideas to consider for your customer appreciation program. They work on Customer Appreciation Day and any other day of the year.

Offer Discounts and Promotions

Like the holiday season and other special occasions, this is a golden opportunity to offer time-limited promotions, encouraging customers to act fast to reap the benefits. Offer a special discount on popular items or goose sales of less-purchased products. Encourage people to stock up with buy-one-get-one promotions or include free, promotional, or complementary products with a purchase, like a second monitor to go with their brand-new laptop.

You can also include other perks like free shipping or free returns to make it easier for customers to purchase from you worry-free.

Give Them Something Unexpected

Sales are effective, but they're old hat. If you want to wow your customers, surprise them with a thoughtful gift.

Your imagination is the limit, so don't settle for slapping the company logo on a water bottle and tote bag here. That's not to say you need to break the bank to produce unique client gift ideas. You can spend as little as nothing on client appreciation gifts and still make a big impression. 

Don't believe it? Try a handwritten note to the first 50 customers who purchase from you on Customer Appreciation Day. In the digital age, a personalized thank you note is one of the best customer appreciation gifts because it makes a lasting impression and can help you turn a customer into a lifetime brand advocate.

Other small gifts include offering early access to loyal customers. Depending on what you sell, this could be early access to a new product, a new software feature, or an invitation to exclusive brand communities.

If you want to spend a little more money, your opportunities to surprise and delight customers with the perfect gift expand. Many small businesses offer gift baskets to show appreciation for a client's business. Gifts relevant to your industry can also be the perfect client appreciation gift. Consider high-quality, branded items like wireless chargers, Bluetooth speakers, or ergonomic mouse pads, a digital subscription to an industry magazine for the tech-savvy, or office décor items for a client contact who just got a promotion.

As a retailer, you could include free, complementary products with every order placed on Customer Appreciation Day. Or you could provide a curated gift box to the first 20 people to make a purchase that day.

If you want a unique customer gift, consider giving them an experience, not stuff. A 2023 MasterCard study found spending on experiences is up 24 percent since 2019. Spending on stuff is down 14 percent.

The right experience will depend on your product. For example, a local brewery might provide a discount at a nearby restaurant on Customer Appreciation Day. Meanwhile, business owners at a B2B marketing software tool might comp their client registration to a marketing conference in their client's home city or buy them tickets to a local sporting event.

Consider holding a customer appreciation event at your offices or even through a webinar on Zoom. And if you're a B2B company with office-bound clients, try catering lunch for the company to bolster your business relationship and say thank you on Customer Appreciation Day.

Start A Loyalty Program

Everyone likes rewards, especially your most loyal customers. If you don't have one already, Customer Appreciation Day is a great opportunity to start a customer loyalty program. Offer members ongoing discounts and perks that make them feel like they're getting an exclusive experience. 

To encourage more purchases, consider creating a tiered program, so customers receive better rewards if they engage with your brand more often.

Personalize Your Interactions

Your customers won't feel very appreciated if they're just a number in your system. As part of your relationship marketing strategy, you should make sure every communication you have with your customers feels personal and meaningful. That means using their name in emails you send them, the thank you cards you write, or the gift cards you provide.

Building good customer relationships means you must give a great gift they want and will use. If you send a Starbucks gift card to someone who only frequents their favorite local cafe, that attempt at appreciation through corporate gifts will not leave a positive impression. The same goes for providing discounts on your products. If the only items your clothing store discounts are men's jeans, you won't win any kudos from the women who buy your products.

There are other ways you can make your customers and clients feel special, too. Consider highlighting your customers' stories on social media, blog posts, or email newsletters. Not only will you make the customers you feature feel good, but other customers will see a little of themselves in that story and feel more connected to your brand.

Solicit Feedback (And Act On It)

One of the best ways to make customers feel appreciated is to ask them their opinions, even if they don't leave a positive review.

Retailers can do this through customer surveys. Other companies might consider selecting clients to join an advisory board. Either way, it's important to give customers a platform where they can provide you with feedback and know that their words will influence your approach.

Check with customers often to learn what they like and don't like about your products and services. Ask how they feel about your brand. Not only will those insights show you where you need to continue to improve, but you'll also build stronger client relationships.

Align Your Values With Theirs

In today's market, consumers seek more than just quality products or services; they look for brands with values that resonate with their own. For example, half of Gen Z consumers research a company's corporate social responsibility policies before a purchase, and 83 percent of millennials engage in "value-based" shopping.

This Customer Appreciation Day, make a statement by aligning your actions with the core values you share with your customers.

For example, you might match your customers' charitable donations to a certain nonprofit on that day. Or, local businesses could sponsor community events. An outdoor gear company could hold a trail-building weekend, or a software company might sponsor a Girls Who Code event.

Build A Customer Appreciation Culture With Giftly

Celebrating Customer Appreciation Day offers an excellent opportunity to do something extra special for your customers. However, true customer appreciation transcends a single day. It's about weaving a thread of gratitude into the fabric of your daily operations. 

With Giftly, you can make personalized gestures at scale. The Giftly platform lets your business send personalized customer gifts with custom notes and a unique design, showing your customers you appreciate their business. This level of personal touch, often lost in digital transactions, sets your brand apart, making each customer feel special and seen.

Giftly elevates the gift-giving experience by allowing recipients to choose how they spend their gifts. Whether it's a meal at their favorite restaurant, a gadget they've been eyeing, or a relaxing spa day, every gift from Giftly is guaranteed to be memorable and perfectly suited to their tastes. This flexibility ensures that your gesture of appreciation resonates with customers.

Integrating Giftly into your customer appreciation efforts is straightforward, making it easy for your business to express gratitude in a meaningful and impactful way consistently. By choosing Giftly, you're not just sending a gift; you're sending a special message that your customers' happiness and satisfaction are your top priorities.

Explore how Giftly can enhance your approach to customer appreciation. To learn more about how Giftly can transform your customer appreciation strategy and see the platform in action, contact us at https://www.giftly.com/corp/lets_talk.

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