August Holidays Your Company Can Celebrate

August brings many holidays for businesses to connect with employees and communities. Explore the history and find creative ways to participate.

Tom Dixon
Content Manager
August brings many holidays for businesses to connect with employees and communities. Explore the history and find creative ways to participate.

From raising a glass on International Beer Day to promoting literacy on Book Lovers Day, this month offers something for everyone. Some of these holidays, like Women's Equality Day, provide a platform for businesses to showcase their values and commitment to social progress.

Congressional Startup Day

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Celebrate Congressional Startup Day by advocating for local founders.

The History

Congressional Startup Day is part of Startup Advocacy Week, an initiative aimed at connecting lawmakers with the innovative entrepreneurs driving the economy. 

Since 2018, the organization Engine has hosted more than 200 meetings between startups and members of Congress as part of this event.

How to Celebrate

If you're a startup, reach out to Engine or your local representatives to participate in Congressional Startup Day meetings.

This is a chance to host an open house or virtual tour of your company for local officials and community members. During the open house, organize a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing startups in your industry or region.

You could also offer gift cards to local coworking spaces or startup incubators to support the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem.

International Beer Day

Friday, August 2, 2024

photo of man and woman mixing beverages

The History

International Beer Day was founded in 2007 by Jesse Avshalomov in Santa Cruz, California. Initially celebrated on August 5, it was later moved to the first Friday in August to allow for a full weekend of celebration. The day aims to appreciate beer, brewers, and bartenders while uniting people across the globe under the banner of beer.

The celebration has spread to about 200 cities around the world.

How To Celebrate

While alcohol-centric celebrations may not be appropriate for all workplaces, there are ways to enjoy this day responsibly.

Consider partnering with local craft breweries to offer employees discounts or special packages. You might even give employees gift cards to these local businesses so teams can celebrate a happy hour together.

You can also host a company-wide event at a local brewery. In between tours and tastings your team will have the opportunity to forge closer connections outside the workplace.

Remember to promote responsible consumption and provide alternatives for non-drinkers.

Book Lovers Day

Friday, August 9, 2024

Give a gift card to a local bookstore to celebrate Book Lovers Day with your employees.

The History

While the exact origin of Book Lovers Day is unclear, it has become a widely recognized unofficial holiday celebrating the joy of reading. This day encourages people to put aside their smartphones and other distractions to enjoy the written word.

How To Celebrate

Celebrate National Book Lovers Day by hosting a book swap event at work where employees can bring in their favorite reads to share with each other. This is also a great opportunity to encourage your employees to celebrate local bookstores with a personalized gift card.

National Book Lovers Day can also be the impetus for all sorts of new programs at work.

For example, you might start a company book club, perhaps with a focus on business or personal development literature. Or, you could create a "Little Free Library" in your office or contribute to one in your community.

Women's Equality Day

Monday, August 26, 2024

Celebrate the accomplishments of all your female employees on Women's Equality Day.

The History

Women's Equality Day commemorates the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920, which granted women the right to vote. 

Rep. Bella Abzug first proposed the celebration in 1971. Congress finally designated the holiday in 1973.

How To Celebrate

This day is an opportunity to review and reinforce your company's commitment to equal opportunities and fair pay for women.

You can also partner with your human resources team to offer educational resources or training on topics like unconscious bias.

National Dog Day

Monday, August 26, 2024

Teach old dogs new tricks - like social media - on National Dog Day.

The History

National Dog Day was founded in 2004 by Colleen Paige, an animal welfare advocate. The day celebrates all breeds of dogs and aims to encourage adoption.

How To Celebrate

If you have an in-office team, encourage employees to bring their dogs to work. Remote teams can provide photos of their dogs for your marketing team to share on social media.

Another idea is to organize a fundraiser for a local animal shelter or give employees the day off to volunteer at a shelter near them.

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